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Parish Creek Landing Marina

Parish Creek Landing Marina

Rain Garden and Conservation Planting

Watershed: West River

Status: Completed 2023

Project Sponsor: Chesapeake Bay Trust

Parish Creek Landing Marina is located in Shady Side in the West River watershed right on the shores of (you guessed it) Parish Creek. In 2023 Arundel Rivers worked with the property owners to install two projects on the property; a rain garden to capture and filter runoff from Woods Wharf Road. Both the conservation planting and the rain garden provide proper outflow to water that previously oppled around the marina's entrance. In addition to the green infrastructure, the marina is a certified MAryland Clean Marina and provides a variety of amenities to benefit the watershed.


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During a storm, the rain garden fills with rain water to allow infiltration. Instead of polluted stormwater running off directly into Parish Creek, it seeps into the ground recharging groundwater and filtering pollutants like sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorous. The native plants in the garden are hardy and naturally adapted to  wetter environments, so they thrive in these conditions. Along with the rain garden constructed on the property, there is also a conservation planting dilled with native plants such as black-eyed Susan and cone flowers perfect for providing wildlife habitat for our favorite pollinators like butterflies and bees.


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Arundel Rivers Federation
PO Box 760
Edgewater, MD 21037
Phone: 410-224-3802

EIN 52-2301464

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2024 Arundel Rivers Federation

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