Report Pollution
& Enforcement
Enforcing Environmental Policy
Our Riverkeeper actively patrols our rivers and calls in the appropriate enforcement arm for individual pollution incidents, like clear cutting, sediment plumes from improper construction practices, abandoned boats, or illegal discharges/dumping. The Federation heavily depends on our supporters for their eyes and ears about threats to river health. Remember, most incidents happen significantly upstream of tidal waters, where only local community members would see it.
Report pollution incidents to your local environmental agency:
Anne Arundel County:
Citizens are encouraged to dial # 3-1-1 to reach an Anne Arundel County customer service representative who will listen to your concern and take action. Representatives are available 24 hours 7 days a week to take your call.​
You can also report a concern within the county online here.
City of Annapolis
Annapolis – Office of Environmental Policy: 410.260.2200​
State of Maryland:
Department of Natural Resources’ Chesapeake Bay Safety and Environmental Hotline 866.633.4686 is a toll-free phone number for Maryland citizens to call to report a problem on the tidal portions of Maryland’s portion of the Chesapeake Bay and the Coastal Bays. One phone call will direct citizens to the appropriate agency to make a report 24 hours a day 7 days a week to report any of the following:
Fish Kill or Algal Bloom
Floating Debris that Poses a Hazard to Navigation
Illegal Fishing Activity
Public Sewer Leak or Overflow
Oil or Hazardous Material Spill
Critical Area or Wetlands Violation​​

Maryland Department of the Environment: 866.633.4686 A 24-hour hotline to report any environmental emergency that poses an immediate threat to the public health or the well-being of the environment such as oil and chemical spills or accidents causing releases of pollutants.
Maryland Natural Resources Police: 410.260.8888 (24-hour hotline)
US Coast Guard Station Annapolis: 410. 267. 8107