Get Your Hands Dirty and Feet Wet!
Arundel Rivers is able to advance our mission because the people who live, work, and play on the South, West, and Rhode Rivers put in the hard work to protect and restore them.
In an average year, over 1,000 people volunteer with us!
Volunteering can look like:
Planting native plants in restoration projects
Putting cages on young trees, or taking them off of the trees that have matured
Taking weekly water samples from the shoreline for bacteria monitoring
Kayaking a set area to hunt for underwater grasses
Building oyster cages
Removing litter and invasive plant species
Providing office support
Representing Arundel Rivers with an informational table at community fairs, farmers markets, and similar events
Lending your expertise in our fundraising efforts, education programs, and more!
If you would like to volunteer with Arundel Rivers Federation, please fill out the above form. We will send out regular volunteer alerts during the warmer months. We're always looking to match folks with our set programs AND with one-off opportunities.
If you're looking for a volunteer opportunity for a business, organization, or large group, please email us at info@arundelrivers.org.